Tuesday, August 14, 2007


On this day:

1756-Daniel Boone married 16-year-old Rebecca Bryan and they were married 56 years and had 10 kids

1935-President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law

1945-WWII ended

1953-David Mullany noticed his son kept losing balls when he hit them with his bat, so he invented the wiffle ball

1971-Rod Stewart released "Maggie May"

1989-Bon Jovi's album "New Jersey" became the first American album released in the Soviet Union

2003-A blackout hit the northeastern U.S. and Canada and 50 million people lost power


Halle Berry-41

Marcia Gay Harden-48

Rusty Wallace-51


Danielle Steel-60

Susan Saint James-61

David Crosby-66

Dash Crofts-67

Battle of the Sexes-The women won again today and lead by 32. If they win just 22 more times this year, the game is over.

Billy Bob Thornton-The super-star actor called this morning and chatted with Scott and Erica! What a cool guy...laid back, nice, funny, a pleasure to talk to. In addition to acting, he also has a band and you can go see them tomorrow night at the House of Blues. Tickets start at only $17. Doors at 7:00 and the show begins at 8:00. For tickets, call 407-934-BLUE. His new album is called "Beautiful Door" and you can get more info at http://www.billybobthornton.net/

$25 Pyramid-I played this morning and we got 4 out of 5. The jackpot is $35 tomorrow.

Robin Strasser-Dorian from One Life To Live called in this morning to chat with Scott and Erica! OLTL is celebrating their 10000th episode on Friday and we wanted to personally congratulate her. Hope you heard the interview cause if you're a daytime fan, she said it is going to be a very exciting week leading up to the 10000th episode. For more info you can go to http://abc.go.com/daytime/onelifetolive/index.html

Tomorrow-Get ready with your pet questions! Pet Expert Warren Eckstein joins us in the morning at 8:10!

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