Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007


I'm making this one short and sweet cause it's a long holiday weekend and I'm ready to kick it off!

Rupert Everett-The superstar actor joined us this morning to talk about his role on Shrek the 3rd. He is the voice of Prince Charming. Great movie if you have not see it yet, take the kids this weekend, they'll love it!

Steve Raichlen-He is the "Master of the Grill" His new book is entitled "How To Grill" and it is the best grilling book I have ever seen! You can check him out on his website, He has info on his book there and lots of grilling tips.

TUESDAY- We're having another Scott and Erica Morning Show Garage Sale! It's your chance to get a lot of really great TV, Movie, and music merchandise absolutely free as we Spring Clean our office!

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