Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday, June 12, 2007

Welcome back, hope you had a great weekend!

On this day:

1742-Benjamin Franklin invented the stove

1976-Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music" was released

1982-E.T. opened in theaters

1986-Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released

1993-Steven Spielberg released the first Jurassic Park movie

2002-Paul McCartney and Heather Mills were married


Shia LaBeouf-21

Joshua Jackson-29

Hugh Laurie-48

Joe Montana-51

Peter Bergman-54

Gene Wilder-74

Battle of the Sexes-The women won this morning and now lead by 2,946,735 points.

Ticked Off-Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning at 6:50 we find out what ticks you off! If you need to vent, go to and tell us your gripe and we could be reading yours on the air tomorrow morning!

Here's what grinds my beans...people that "jockey for position" at a red light. You're coming up to a red light and the car next to you cuts right in front of you nearly ripping off your front bumper, just so they can be first in line when it turns green. Drives me crazy!

$25 Pyramid-I played this morning at it was less than amazing. $20 rolls over to tomorrow's game making it $45 in cash to win and a great prize too!

Peter Greenberg-He's the travel expert on The Today Show. Sure, he was on with Matt Lauer this morning, but he was on Scott and Erica this morning too sharing even more information! He gave tips this morning on how some airlines charge minimal fees for your ticket, but where they get you is you're only allowed to bring up to 44 lbs. in luggage. That happened to him and they tried to charge him an additional $500 for his luggage. For more information on Peter, visit his website at or you can go to and there you can get more info on what he was talking about this morning.

Fact or Fiction-You can steal $80 tomorrow morning at 8:40!

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